Keyingham's 'Journey to Green' Tree Planting
On Friday 24th March, Keyingham Primary School Student Councillors worked together to help plant 200 trees as part of their 'Journey to Green' Project to develop the front area of the school. Last month the Student Council presented to Keyingham Parish Council to ask for help and support on their project. They all took it in turns to talk about different aspects of their project. The Parish have also agreed to donate a bench to the area, for which in the last Student council meeting, they decided which style of bench would work best.
The trees were granted by Humber Forest, who were also involved with various checks of the area, such as drainage and underground works. Year 5 Keyingham Student Councillors met with Humber Forest a couple of weeks ago to discuss tree types and a potential layout. The trees chosen by the Year 5’s are Silver Birch, Rowan, Wild Cherry, Crab Apple, Hazel, Field maple, Dogwood and Hawthorn.
The pupils made T cut shapes in the ground, pulled the ground up with their spades, put in the tree whip, pressed the ground back down with their feet, hammered in a stake and wrapped a protective plastic tube around the whip to protect it from rabbits and other animals. Overall Keyingham Student Councillors planted 52 trees at the front of the school and the remaining 150 trees were planted around the back of the school to create hedging on the school field where every child planted a tree whip. This was done in groups with the older child in school supporting the younger children. While the tree planting was taking place throughout the day at the back of the school, Rewilding Youth had a Stone Activity taking place.
The student councillors thoroughly enjoyed planting trees all morning!
"Friday was a brilliant day! I was so proud of the Student Councillors as they watched and made their vision come to life. They were confident and brave as they tackled the different challenges of the day. One conversation that I remember particularly well was with one of the younger children – She said she was looking forward to "growing up with the trees!"