Cottingham celebrate A level results
The Y13 class of 2018 have sustained the trend of impressive student performances of recent years to produce another excellent set of results, with value added for academic subjects at its highest ever. Over a third of all entries awarded were at grade B or higher and over three quarters of all grades achieved were A*-C. In addition to these impressive whole year outcomes, there have been some stellar individual performances resulting in the huge majority of students now heading to their first choice destinations.
The school is delighted that the hard work of students, their parents and staff over the last two years has paid off. The overwhelming majority of students achieved or exceeded their expected grades, representing exceptional performance by our students. Individual subjects have also seen outstanding results, with more than half of all subjects offered yielding 100% A*-C grades and virtually all subjects having a 100% pass rate.
Mrs Westcott, Head of Post 16 Education said, “I am delighted to see our students have been rewarded for their hard work and have achieved excellent results in this year of significant change. It is remarkable that more than half of the year group achieved at least one A grade or equivalent in the face of the new, more challenging A Level and BTEC qualifications. The vast majority have met or exceeded their target grades and have been successful in gaining the results they require to follow their chosen pathways. I am particularly impressed by the higher than ever value added score achieved by the class of 2018 and wish them every success for the future.’
These results once again confirm that Cottingham High School is a high-performing, top 25% Sixth Form and are a reflection of continuing highly effective consortium partnership working with Hessle High School and Wolfreton School.