Key Stage 4 Results Day 2019

The waiting finally ended today for our Year 11 ‘Class of 2019’, (who, across the Trust, number over 1,000 students), when they received their GCSE results. I have no doubt that at each school there was apprehension and anxiety as the students waited to receive their grades, as well as anticipation and expectation about what the immediate future might hold depending on the grades achieved. Once those grades were known there would be a spectrum of emotions, from joy and delight to relief, and even in some cases disappointment. Parents and carers, who have provided support over many years along with the teachers and support staff who have guided the students through their examination courses will have mirrored these emotions and it is appropriate that we recognise the important role these people have played in supporting every student in one way or another.
Whatever the outcome, today should be a cause for celebration after 11 years of education and I would like to congratulate every student on his or her achievements and to wish them every success in the future as they embark on the next phase of their education. We know we will see a great many move onto one of our sixth forms while others will begin their next chapter at college or as an apprentice. Whichever path is followed, I hope they will look back with fondness at their time in secondary education.
Best wishes to all of our students for the future.
Dave McCready, CEO