TCAT Sporting Summary: W/E 28 November 2021
At The Consortium Academy Trust, we pride ourselves of helping our learners excel in all they do- and this does not stop when they leave the classroom.
This week has demonstrated just that, with fantastic sporting news from multiple academies, especially in Rugby.
On Wednesday evening, Cottingham, Howden and Wolfreton joined forces at the Hullensians ground for a fantastic tournament against other school rugby teams. Wolfreton Sport tweeted this photograph and explained that it is a perfect representation of school sport and rugby.
Thursday saw Archie Gray, a Year 11 student at Wolfreton, sign a scholarship with Hull Kingston Rovers. Winifred Holtby’s Year 8 team also qualified for the National Cup as one of Yorkshire’s representatives and progressed to the Yorkshire Cup Semi Finals after defeating their previous rivals and finishing top of the group.
Congratulations and good luck to all our learners who have been so dedicated, and thank you to our PE staff whose coaching and hard work is invaluable.